Jasmin Espiritu Rikard, restoration/rehair, bowmaker
My introduction to bows began when, as a violin performance major at San Diego State University, I brought my bow to Abe for a professional-level rehair. His passion for bows and the combination of his artistry, precision, and craftsmanship piqued my interest in the profession. In the following years my interest in the craft grew and with Abe's encouragement I attended Learning Trade Secrets in Ashland, Ohio, which offers advanced training in the making, repair, and maintenance of bows and instruments. I studied with Rodney Mohr in 2021 (bow rehair and repair) and David Orlin in 2022 (advanced bow restoration), and continued my training with Abe in San Diego when he offered me a formal apprenticeship. I continue to enjoy working with and learning from Abe, as well as interacting with colleagues who share my passion for bows.
In November, 2022, I had the opportunity to assist the judges during the 24th Annual Violin Society of America Competition as a scribe for Mr. Yung Chin of New York. He is one of the foremost bowmakers and bow experts in the USA and he taught me to pay close attention to the nuances of superb bow craftsmanship during the many rounds of judging over four days of competition.
My passion for bows continues to grow; When I'm not at the shop, I dedicate my free time in my home workshop to building and refining the skills and tools of the trade, and on projects appealing to my general interests. I've dedicated myself to this trade and continue to enjoy playing and teaching the violin so that my students can share and experience the joy it has brought me.
In November, 2022, I had the opportunity to assist the judges during the 24th Annual Violin Society of America Competition as a scribe for Mr. Yung Chin of New York. He is one of the foremost bowmakers and bow experts in the USA and he taught me to pay close attention to the nuances of superb bow craftsmanship during the many rounds of judging over four days of competition.
My passion for bows continues to grow; When I'm not at the shop, I dedicate my free time in my home workshop to building and refining the skills and tools of the trade, and on projects appealing to my general interests. I've dedicated myself to this trade and continue to enjoy playing and teaching the violin so that my students can share and experience the joy it has brought me.
Minyi Zhu, rental manager/fleet repair
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